Old-New Synagogue
Current checkpoint

Checkpoint: Old-New Synagogue
The Old-New Synagogue in Prague is one of the oldest synagogues in Europe, dating from the 13th century and still serving religious ceremonies.
Many legends are associated with it. According to one of them, the Golem, a figure made of clay, revived by man, is placed in the attic of the synagogue. It is said that it was forbidden to walk on the land, but there were still people who disregarded the ban and tried to reveal the secrets of the Golem. But no one has ever found anything…
The synagogue is a protected monument, and as part of the Architectural Heritage Preservation Program, it underwent extensive repairs at the end of the last century.
Find out on the wall of the synagogue how long it took to restore the architectural work for which the synagogue received the mayor's award?
Who fell at the synagogue during the Prague Uprising? (look on the wall again)